Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Hemp Paper"

The "Declaration was written on "HEMP" Paper!

At the present rate of deforestation in the United States, it won't be long before we never see a tree, period. At the rate we are going, the United States will be stripped completely bare of all its forests in 50 years. 

If the hemp pulp paper process of 1916 were in use today, it could replace 40-70% of all pulp paper form trees, including corrugated boxes, computer printout paper and paper bags. Imagine the effect this conversion to hemp paper alone would have on near-extinct species and all forms of wild life, on old-growth forests that are fast disappearing, on the quality of our water, soil, and air, as well as on our planet's sensitive ecosystem!
Farming only 6% of continental US acreage with biomass crops would provide all of America's gas and oil energy needs, ending dependence upon fossil fuels. Hemp is the only biomass source available that is capable of making the US energy-independent. Ultimately, the world has no other rational environmental choice but to give up fossil fuels.

Ever wonder why tree paper is so cheap? It's because we are subsidizing the true costs of production by borrowing from our own future and that of our children: imagine a world without trees and you'll realize the full impact, significance, and costs of cheap paper from trees. Hemp, unlike trees, grows to maturity in 6-8 months. There is no need to cut down 100 year old trees to make paper! Not only can hemp provide us with top-quality archival paper that's beautiful & strong and leaves a light footprint on this fragile planet of ours, it can also single-handedly put a stop to Greenhouse Effect, soil erosion, dependence on fertilizers and toxic chemicals, blue baby syndrome, pollution of the air, water, and soil, and so much more!

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