Friday, March 16, 2012

Children International

Hope Force International - Child Sponsorship Program in Haiti - India 2009 - Students of the World

India Water Crisis - Environmental Action Project India's water crisis

Singing and Dancing in Savann Tabak

Helping Haiti

We Built a Well in Haiti

About Doctors Without Borders/ Medecins Sans Frontieres

Pakistan: MSF Working to Reduce Risk of Epidemics

Pakistan: Delivering in the Dark

South Sudan: Dodging a Double Risk


Sleeping Sickness



South Sudan

South Sudan: Window of opportunity closing fast to provide assistance to 80,000 Sudanese refugees from Blue Nile state © Robin Meldrum/MSF Tens of thousands of Sudanese refugees in South Sudan urgently need humanitarian aid to be scaled up in a short window of opportunity that is rapidly closing before the rainy season starts. In the camps at Doro and Jamam, only an emergency approach to provide urgently needed aid can still ensure the health and dignity of refugees seeking shelter from violence.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Safe Release

MSF is doing everything in its power to bring about the safe release of Blanca Thiebaut and Montserrat Serra who were abducted in Dadaab, Kenya on 13 October 2011, while providing humanitarian assistance to Somali refugees

Tags: Statement
MSF calls on all Somalis; the diaspora, community leaders and especially the authorities in control of areas in Somalia where its kidnapped colleagues are being detained, to do everything possible to facilitate their safe release.